This is your By-Pass
Thingie - the technical term |
Remove these 3 slotted
screws |
Removing the 3 screws from the
front carb is easy because there's nothing blocking it. The rear carb is
more difficult because the linkage and the front carb gets in the way. Rick
suggests using a stubby screw driver with a lot of patience. Being short on
patience I tried the stubby, quickly tossed it and instead used the longest,
thinnest screw driver I had which worked great. I had both removed in about
5 minutes.
This is your carb with
By-Pass Thingie removed |
This is the removed
By-Pass Thingie |
So I get both removed with no
problem and now try to install the block off plate, which is about as thick
as Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil. I quickly realize that the existing screws are
way too long and head to the basement in search of shorter screws. No to Sears next. An hour later I'm home with 12 new
screws........6 of one type and 6 of another type. A little more futsing
around in the garage and I'm thinking this block off plate is way too thin
to support and block anything. Gee....I wonder what Rick's site
says.......OH............ DUH...........the plate goes back on the removed
valve and the WHOLE thing goes back on the carb. Sheesh.....wadda dummy.
Here's what it's supposed to look like. Now that makes sense!
Wafer Thin Block Off
Plate |
How it's supposed to
look when
you follow the directions! |
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Carb work